Capstone Program
The RBC Capstone Program gives qualified, motivated students the opportunity to pursue college level work beyond the typical AP experience. This extracurricular program is designed to prepare students for the university classroom by exposing them to the rigor, pace, methodology, research tools, and hands-on experience typically found in a higher educational setting. The traditional teacher/student relationship is modified, whereby teachers become mentors and facilitators, passing along their experience and knowledge to student protégés.
In their freshman year, students will begin to develop or indicate interest in one of several areas. During their sophomore and junior years, students who wish to pursue a Capstone project in a particular area will connect with the faculty member who has that expertise. In the spring of junior year and over the summer before senior year begins students may do initial research under the guidance of their teacher mentor.
Students complete the Capstone research project by March of their senior year and present their findings to parents and faculty at the RBC Capstone Research Presentation Meeting in April. Students who complete their projects earn a Capstone Research Award at the Senior Award Ceremony.
So far RBC students have completed Capstone projects in Business, Engineering, Applied Math, Field Biology, Psychology, History, Literature, Biotechnology, Medicine, and English.
This extracurricular program is designed to prepare students for the university classroom by exposing them to the rigor, pace, methodology, research tools, and hands-on experience typically found in a higher educational setting.