Science and Engineering Course Offerings
- biology - cp & acp
- honors biology
- honors advanced biology
- ap biology
- forensic science
- chemistry - cp
- chemistry - acp
- honors chemistry
- honors advanced chemistry
- ap chemistry
- environmental science - acp
- honors environmental science
- ap environmental science
- physics
- honors physics
- ap physics
- intro to stem i - acp
- intro to stem ii - acp
- intro to engineering
- Honors Intro to Engineering
- cadd: 3d design & engineering
- marine science - acp
- acp anatomy and physiology
- Honors Anatomy and Physiology
biology - cp & acp
Grade 9 - CP and ACP
Grade 10 - CP
Course #0523
This course introduces the fundamental concepts and principles governing living things. Topics covered in the course follow a logical and sequential pattern beginning with the chemical and physical basis of life, through a step-by-step analysis of cell structure, metabolism, heredity, and other life processes. The important concepts of unity, balance, and variation are integrated throughout the basic topics.
honors biology
Honors Biology
Course# 0529
Grade 9
Honors Biology is designed for the highly motivated student with a strong interest in the field of science. The course focuses on: correlation between structure and function starting at molecular level and up to the level of organisms. This course emphasizes higher order thinking skills using laboratory investigations, independent thinking and analysis, collaborative learning projects, and problem solving activities. In comparison to the Accelerated College Preparatory student, the Honors Biology student is expected to demonstrate his or her learning through the synthesis, application, and evaluation of the fundamental principles of biology. The course requirements are rigorous; therefore, students are expected to process the learning beyond simple rote memorization. The Honors Biology course is supplemented with the required laboratory component corresponding to the material studied in the classroom. Students gain skills using laboratory apparatus and correct laboratory techniques and procedures. They learn uses of classical and contemporary equipment in biological laboratory.
honors advanced biology
Honors Advanced Biology
Grade 12
This is a second course in biology that serves as an introduction to college courses for students who are well-motivated. The study is organized along functional lines; the course focuses on the various aspects of biology from the points of view of the features and problems shared by all living things.
ap biology
AP Biology
Grade 12
*Dual Enrollment Course
This is a class combined with Advanced Biology. The course focuses on all the topics of the AP syllabus are covered, with in-depth research and scientific readings completed as independent study. May also be used for Dual Enrollment.
forensic science
Forensic Science Grade 12
Course #0534
This introduction Forensic Science course allows 12th grade science students the opportunity to develop their observational, organizational and cooperation skills. The course encourages the use of critical thinking that integrates several science disciplines. The overriding theme of the course is to have students apply the scientific inquiry process to solve real-world problems.
chemistry - cp
Chemistry - CP
Grade 11
Course #0535
This course is designed to interest the students who are not science-oriented. Basic math skills are utilized regularly in the course so that students may better understand the formal concepts of chemistry. Students are expected to learn chemical theory as it applies to our world. Topics include household products, food, and health care. Students participate in appropriate laboratory activities. This course is intended to guide students toward developing the skills of investigation inquiry.
chemistry - acp
Chemistry - ACP
Grades 10, 11, 12
Course #0536
Chemistry employs the mole and energy approach to help the students become aware of our chemical environment. The course emphasizes structure of matter with a focus on atomic and subatomic levels. The course then develops the student’s understanding of bonding concepts in the formation of complex compounds. The students learn use of the mole, stoichiometry, and energy interchanges for compound formation and decomposition.
honors chemistry
Honors Chemistry
Grades 10, 11, 12
Course #0539
This course provides an understanding of the principles of chemistry for the serious science student. Topics include atomic structure, bonding, stoichiometry, kinetics and equilibrium, acids and bases, electrochemistry, thermochemistry and organic chemistry. Students focus on applying problem-solving skills and proper laboratory technique.
honors advanced chemistry
ap chemistry
AP Chemistry
Grades 11, 12
Course #0541
The purpose of Advanced Placement Chemistry is to provide a college level course in chemistry and to prepare the student to seek credit and/or appropriate placement in college chemistry courses. This course meets five times per week for 42 minute periods. Laboratory periods are scheduled every fourth day, with a double period. This course is structured around the six big ideas articulated in the AP Chemistry curriculum framework provided by the College Board. [CR2] A special emphasis is placed on the seven science practices, which capture important aspects of the work that scientists engage in, with learning objectives that combine content with inquiry and reasoning skills.
environmental science - acp
Environmental Science - ACP
Grade 11, 12
Course #0538
This course provides students with the information they need to analyze environmental concerns that will affect their lives. Students learn about the basic structures of our planet and the important functions that they serve in protecting and supporting living organisms within our biosphere. They learn about the effects of human activities on ecosystems, and discuss political, economic, cultural, and scientific processes that may provide solutions to environmental problems.
honors environmental science
Honors Environmental Science
Grades 11, 12
This course provides students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies to understand the interrelationships of the natural world. Students will also learn how to identify and analyze environmental problems, both natural and man-made, to evaluate the risks associated with these problems and to examine alternative solutions for resolving and/or preventing them.
ap environmental science
AP Environmental Science
Grades 11, 12
This course provides students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies to understand the interrelationships of the natural world. Students will also be able to identify and analyze environmental problems, both natural and man-made, to evaluate the risks associated with these problems and to examine alternative solutions for resolving and/or preventing them.
Physics - ACP
Course #0547
This course offers students a conceptual understanding of the principles of the science of physics. It emphasizes examples from the students' personal experience and utilizes common language rather than the language of mathematics. The student is expected, however, to perform and understand some mathematical computations involving algebra. Topics include mechanics; sound; light, electricity and magnetism. This course has a single lab period.
honors physics
Honors Physics
Grades 11, 12
Course #0548
This Honors Physics course was developed to allow 11th and 12th year science students the opportunity to gain an understanding of the principles on which physics is based. The course encourages the use of physical, conceptual and mathematical models and foster problem solving skills. Students gather hands-on laboratory experience once per cycle, as they work cooperatively to conduct and evaluate experiments.
ap physics
AP Physics
Grade 12
Course #0560
The course is designed to be the equivalent of a first-year college physics course for students majoring in either engineering or a science discipline. Students will attain a depth of understanding and competence in solving increasingly complex Newtonian mechanic problems. Topics include: kinematics; laws of motion both linearly and rotationally, motion and energy conservation, power; gravity, harmonic motion, and oscillation in planer fields. Students use more sophisticated laboratory skills in making observations, recording data, calculating and interpreting results and effectively communicating the results of the experiments. Students must obtain summer reading assignment as well as a summer math review assignment packet in June.
intro to stem i - acp
Intro to STEM - ACP
Grades 9, 10
Quarter Course
The goal of this course is to provide students an introduction to the principles of engineering and technology and their place in the modern world. The course will provide a fundamental overview of basic electronics and system design. Students will explore and learn to use technological systems effectively in their lives, thus setting a foundation of successfully integrating their own talents and career interests with the resources of our technological society.
intro to stem ii - acp
Intro to STEM II - ACP
Grade 10
Quarter Course
Prerequisite: B average in Introduction to STEM ACP
The goal of this course is to provide students with an opportunity to explore more advanced microprocessor programming techniques utilizing the Arduino hardware and IDE (Integrated Development Environment as well as large scale integrated (LSI) circuitry design using Computer Aided Design software (CAD). Students will explore the basis of intermediate level transistor-transistor logic gates (TTL) and how those basic structures are combined to produce decoders, shift registers and memory elements. Students will also engage in intermediate electro-mechanical/microprocessor control projects to design, construct and operate a purposeful device to accomplish a defined task.
intro to engineering
Intro to Engineering
Course #0553
This Pre-Engineering course is designed to develop students’ critical thinking and creativity by emphasizing real world problem solving. Students apply knowledge of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics while working in teams to design, build and test solutions to various engineering challenges. Topics include mechanisms, energy, statics, materials, electronics and kinematics.
Honors Intro to Engineering
Honors Intro to Engineering
Course #0559
This Pre-Engineering course is designed to develop students’ critical thinking and creativity by emphasizing real world problem solving. Students apply knowledge of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics while working in teams to design, build and test solutions to various engineering challenges. Topics include advanced concepts in mechanisms, energy, statics, materials, electronics and kinematics.
cadd: 3d design & engineering
CADD: 3D Design and Engineering (semester)
Grade 11, 12
This course provides students with a broad introduction into 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional Computer-Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) and modeling. Students will be introduced to engineering and will learn the basics of CADD software: creating points, lines, other geometric forms, isometric drawings, and 3D models. Students will learn how to translate initial concepts into functional designs and 3D walkthroughs while exploring career options in this hands-on introductory-level course with a focus on applications.
This course will be a further utilization of SolidWorks. We will be teaching more utilities outside of just drawing like animation, visualizing stress points and complex part interaction. CADD II will satisfy the ELA standards as well as science common core standards. The communication and writing of drafting will be apparent every class. Measuring and dimensional analysis will be completed to the nearest millimeter.
marine science - acp
Marine Science
Grades 10, 11, 12 (ACP only)
Course #0556
This course introduces students to a brief history of the evolution of Marine Biology. They become aware of the physical and chemical components of the marine environment in addition to issues concerning the human impact on the fragile ecosystem. The course emphasizes the diversity of marine organisms, both plant and animal. Students develop an appreciation of the “world ocean” and strategies to preserve and protect marine resources.
acp anatomy and physiology
ACP Anatomy and Physiology
Grades 11, 12
Course #0542
Human Physiology is designed for highly motivated students who wish to expand their knowledge of the structure and function of the human body. The course stresses a detailed analysis of organ systems and their relation to each other. Students must acquire a working knowledge of detailed terminology. An emphasis on career awareness, primarily in the medical and paramedical areas, underlies this course.
Honors Anatomy and Physiology
Grades 11, 12
Human Physiology is designed for highly motivated students who wish to expand their knowledge of the structure and function of the human body. The course stresses a detailed analysis of organ systems and their relation to each other. Students must acquire a working knowledge of detailed terminology. Knowledge of clinical application will be expected. An emphasis on career awareness, primarily in the medical and paramedical areas, underlies this course.