
Welcome Back!

Since  graduating its first class more than a century ago, Red Bank Catholic has been welcoming new members into the RBC Alumni Association, with members now numbering in the thousands. The Broad Street Auditorium (“BSA”) continues to echo with laughter, song and dance, shuffling feet, shifting chairs and teachers encouraging stray students to “move along.” In a few short years, these students too will call themselves RBC Alumni, but will always be welcomed back to their home, RBC, “the home of the Caseys.”

We invite you to visit the pages of our website, and get caught up on what is happening at your alma mater. Check the calendar of events and plan to come see a show or watch a game. We welcome you to come back and revisit your own memories.  Stop by the Alumni & Advancement office in the Media Center overlooking Broad Street to say "hello".

Stay in touch with us to share your memories and allow us to share our vision for RBC’s future with you. Submit the Update Your Information form below so we can keep you posted about alumni events and other exciting RBC news. You are an important piece of our future as well as our past.

As always, we welcome you to contact us directly in the Alumni Office.  Go Caseys!

Kate Gotta
Kathleen Daly
(732) 747-3256


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