Freshman Year
The transition to high school can be overwhelming. Red Bank Catholic has programs and support in place to help make this transition as smooth as possible for our freshmen. Below is a general timeline of what to expect freshman year along with explanations of some of the Guidance Department programs and resources that are designed to help students transition and make the most of their RBC experience.
January/ February of 8th Grade (after acceptance to RBC):
Register for Classes and Naviance Family Connection.
September: Freshman Orientation.
During the School Year:
Meet with Teacher Advisor
Via Naviance, start building student resume and take "Learning Styles Inventory"
Experience the Labrecque Leadership Program
Begin keeping a record of volunteer hours if interested in applying for National Honor Society.
Participate in different extracurricular activities - tryout for a team, audition for a show, join clubs, volunteer - enjoy being a "Casey!"
Explore the NJ Higher Education Student Assistance Authority (HESAA) "Reach Higher" guide to choosing a college path.
October: Freshman/Parent Group Guidance Presentation. Cognitive Abilities Testing.
January/February: Submit course requests for sophomore year
March: IOWA testing
May/June: If Biology is a strong subject area for you, and you may want to pursue the sciences in college, consider registering for the SAT Subject Test in Biology. We recommend taking the Subject Test in June after you have finished the course. (Subject Tests are offered October, November, December, January, May and June.) Click HERE for more information regarding the SAT Subject Tests.
Guidance Terminology
Registration for Classes
Registration for classes takes place beginning in January after the student has been accepted. Students and their parents meet with a teacher advisor to discuss recommendations for freshman year curriculum. Students are placed in the appropriate level classes based upon their 6th, 7th and 8th grade transcripts, standardized testing and the RBC Placement Test.
At Class Registration, students and parents also register for the Naviance Family Connection system. Naviance is a comprehensive internet resource to help students and parents make decisions about courses, colleges and careers. It is also the primary tool used by the Guidance office to communicate with students and for students to navigate their college search process. Students and parents are assigned individual login information. At the top of every page on the website is a Naviance login button for easy access.
Click HERE for more details about the Naviance system and how students are advised to use it beginning in their freshman year.
Freshman Orientation
During their first two days of school, freshman experience Freshman Orientation, a unique, creative, ambitious endeavor that promotes comradery, teamwork, inclusiveness and diversity. It also introduces the newest Caseys to the expectations, the opportunities and the challenges that RBC will present to them. Through a series of carefully designed activities, students become familiar with the lay of the land, the people who will play a significant role in their lives during these important four years and the role Red Bank Catholic expects each of them to play in fostering a sense of community and high ideals while they are here. This approach to welcoming students reflects RBC’s commitment to their individual success.
Teacher Advisors
Each freshman is assigned a classroom teacher as a Teacher Advisor who is trained to help them with any issues or concerns they may have during the course of the year. Teacher Advisors work under the direct supervision of the professional school Guidance Counselors and are available to meet in the Guidance Office with students each day during assigned periods.
Each Teacher Advisor is assigned a small group of freshman students to enable them to meet on a regular basis and to follow their progress closely. Students are assigned alphabetically to a Teacher Advisor and participate in large and small group interactive discussions in addition to any requested individual appointments.
Under the direction of their Teacher Advisor, students take the “Learning Styles Inventory” via Naviance.
Click HERE for a list of Teacher Advisors, their office hours and contact information.
Freshman/Parent Group Guidance Meeting
At this annual meeting, typically held in October, the Guidance Department presents information regarding what to expect during freshman year, including the Teacher Advisor Program, standardized testing and academic expectations. They also present helpful information regarding study skills, organization strategies, and enhancing communication between students, parents and school.
Click HERE for Freshman Parent Meeting PowerPoint Presentation