Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What time does my student have to arrive?
Doors open at 7:50 a.m. to admit students. The warning bell rings at 8:00 alerting students to report to homeroom. The homeroom bell rings at 8:03.
If my student arrives early where do they go?
Some buses and parents drop students off early. The cafeteria is open at 7:15 a.m. Breakfast is available. Teachers proctor these early sessions. In general, a teacher from each subject area is available to students. Many students take advantage of this to get extra help, to study or to do group work. Students may obtain passes to go to the Media Center when it opens at 7:30 a.m. from Media Center personnel the day before. These “blue passes” permit students to enter through the Atrium entrance. The pass must be turned in to the proctor on duty. Teachers who wish to see students before school may also issue passes for early entry. These students use the Atrium doors as well.
How do we know what letter day it is on the schedule?
Red Bank Catholic uses an 8 day cycle for schedules. Days run A through E There are a few schedules created to accommodate events such as activity periods, a “T “ day , a Mass- an “M” day, or special events- an “S” day. The letter for the day’s schedule can be found on the calendar on the homepage of our website.
How long do students have to change class?
We allot approximately four minutes for students to change classes. Yes, there are several buildings and “thousands” of steps but trust us, they can get there in that time. They also learn valuable organizational skills in the process.
What do I do if my student forgets something at home?
It is important that your high school student becomes organized and accountable; thus we discourage you from making daily runs to Red Bank with forgotten items. On the occasions that your student does forget a cheerleading uniform, cleats or costume, you may bring the items to the Business Office. Please note, however, that students will be called down only during 12:50 and end of the day announcements.
What do students do with a project or equipment that is too big for their locker?
In season sports teams are assigned locker rooms. Before school, student athletes can bring their equipment to their team’s locker room, which is locked during school hours. Most teachers who anticipate the arrival of large projects will give their students instructions about where to leave them for safekeeping.
What if my student forgets a book or homework, can they get back into the building after school?
Although the gate is closed, the Business Office remains open until 3:30. You can buzz the office to get in. From time to time this will happen, but we do encourage organization and planning to lessen the number of “forgotten book runs” you have to make.
Can my student carry his or her cell phone?
Cell phones must be turned off and out of sight during school hours. Phones will be confiscated if visible during school hours. They will be returned only to the parent, who must come in person to the Business Office at the end of the day. Parents are reminded that calling or texting a student during the day automatically puts the student in breach of policy. If you need to reach your son or daughter, please call the Business Office. They can reach you from the Business Office or the nurse depending on circumstances.
What does my student do if they feel sick during school?
If your student feels ill during school, he or she should tell their teacher and get a pass to report to the nurse. If the nurse feels the illness warrants your son or daughter leaving, he or she will contact you to come pick them up. Students should not text or call you to come get them and they should not remain in the restroom when feeling ill. The nurse is here to help them, and she will.
What do I do if my student has a doctor appointment?
We feel strongly that students learn best when they are in class. Of course work can be made up on their own but participating and absorbing material in the classroom is optimal. Thus, we urge you to schedule doctor’s appointments outside of school hours. If it is unavoidable and your student will need to be dismissed early he or she must bring a note to the Business Office the morning of the early dismissal. A family member over the age of 21 must come to the Business Office and sign the student out at a specified time. If a student arrives late because of an appointment, he or she must bring a note from the doctor, dentist, etc. to confirm their appointment.
What happens if my student misses a midterm or final exam?
Every effort should be made to take midterms and finals in the day they are administered. Only a note from a doctor will be accepted to excuse a missed midterm or final.
Our students distinguish themselves in so many ways: their service, their academic accomplishments, their athletic victories and their performances. One very visible and obvious way Red Bank Catholic students are identified is by their uniforms. Our students announce to the community that they are part of the Red Bank Catholic family. That is something to be proud of; thus the uniforms should be worn proudly and properly.
Please review uniform specifics on the handbook and on the Dress Code page of the website. The dress code must be followed or disciplinary measures will be administered. Students consistently out of uniform risk detention and loss of activity and sports privileges. Skirts must be an appropriate length. How students wear their uniforms sends a message about them and about us. Make sure that message is one you, as a parent, want to send.
Uniforms available at:
Flynn and O'Hara
Kohls Plaza
2145 Route 35
Holmdel, NJ 07733
You can also order from Flynn and O’Hara online at
Gently used uniforms are also available through Parent Connect. Please call the business office for more information.
There are metered spaces in front of the school and metered lots throughout Red Bank. The school lot is reserved for employees during school hours. The lot is available to parents and students after school and for evening activities at the school. Cars may not be parked in the lot overnight. Please adhere to all traffic laws including not parking on Peter’s Place during school hours, and not parking in cross walks or non designated spots for quick drop offs or pick ups. We want to be good neighbors because we are part of a larger community.
Getting Involved
How do students join a club?
Our students’ experience at RBC will be greatly enriched if they get involved. RBC offers a significant variety of clubs that meet periodically during the school day to make getting involved easier. Students register for clubs and activities on Naviance on a semester basis. Information on individual club and registration process is covered in Freshman Leadership classes.
When do clubs meet?
Please find Clubs and Activities by clicking HERE
Communication and Tools
What do I need to do if I need to contact a teacher?
We suggest that the first step in contacting a teacher should be made by the student in person. It is important for the students to learn to communicate and advocate for themselves. Certainly they will need to speak for themselves in college. If after speaking with a teacher, your student still has questions, email is the next great option. Email affords your student the opportunity to clearly convey concerns rather than trying a conversation at change of class. You can also email the teacher if your student does not resolve the situation on his or her own. Go the Faculty and Staff Directory of the website for links to email addresses. You can also leave a phone message for a teacher in the Business Office. Teacher advisors and guidance counselors are another source for information or intervention.
What is PowerSchool “Parent Portal”?
PowerSchool Parent Portal is a web based application that provides parents and students with secure access and real time visibility to key indicators of student success. Student grades, assignments and period attendance including tardies are available on Parent Portal. Parent Portal is a proactive tool for both parents and students. Students can chart progress, note opportunities for improvement, and make sure they are up to date on assignments. We suggest parents use Parent Portal as a collaborative tool to foster communication with their student, not as a daily progress check. Check the site with your student. Celebrate victories and create plans together where improvement is needed, and allow them to explain missing assignments. Become partners in their success. We ask that you always check with your student about assignments or grades before consulting with the school. There is a link to Power School Parent Portal at the top of every page of the school website.