Campus Ministry


Red Bank Catholic is a faith-based community and the practical tenets of our students'
faith-based actions are far reaching.  On campus throughout the school year, students participate in First Friday Mass, Liturgical Choir and Dance, Stations of the Cross, Reconciliation, and seasonal prayer services.  Many students work closely with our campus ministers and clergy to bring the school enlightening and reverent liturgical experiences that serve to augment an already firm and profound Catholic identity. 

 The RBC religion curriculum builds on scriptural foundations and branches out to teach students about church history, philosophy, world religions, theology, world and social justice.  Students are encouraged to participate in Christian Service Programs that begin here at RBC and reach out to every part of the world.

 RBC has been honored as the first Maryknoll Affiliate student service organization in the country.  RBC students have touched the lives and improved the living standards of children not only in this city and state, but in Cambodia, Kenya, and Darfur as well.

 Opportunities to make a difference abound at RBC.  It is with faith, commitment, tradition and perseverance that our students change lives for the better each and every day.

Invitation to Sacramental Preparation


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